Attention deficit disorder, commonly referred to ADD, is a condition that afflicts a large number of young children in today’s society. The condition is characterized by a diminished ability to concentrate on a particular task for prolonged periods of time. In some cases, the condition can also lead to constant feelings of restlessness. In this […]
Keeping Children Fit Through Martial Arts Fun
Fitness and exercise are crucial to the healthy functioning of both the mind and the body. Some individuals are naturally active, as a result of an active upbringing, but this is not the case inmost Americans today. While adult society is growing in awareness of the need for good fitness and health, the same cannot […]
Karate Class Structure Promotes Self-Discipline in Kids
Every child needs a certain amount of structure and routine in his or her life to feel fundamentally secure and confident. Lacking structure is detrimental to his or her growth. Structured activities encourage them to follow a lifestyle of discipline. A well-structured environment for children enables parents to create an atmosphere of authority and respect. […]
How Karate Helps Children Improve their Grades
Nowadays, the average American child spends the majority of the day at school, returning home only to face more hours of homework or studying various subjects for tests the following day or week. The pressure that a young child faces in school has grown increasingly over the decades, as more and more is expected from […]
How Karate Develops Courtesy in Kids
Although a fair amount of mayhem and lack of unity might be apparent in some karate class segments – particularly with very young children – the practice of karate is far more than fighting, shouting, and jumping around! Martial arts gradually make kids self-disciplined and self- confident. Consistent training in a quality karate for kids […]